Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Kiss Sleeping Good Night

I heard a young married couple that just had their first baby, talking at church Sunday morning. Someone said something to them about it being 3 months until they get a full nights sleep. The person that made this statement either, a.) didn't have children or b.) had super human babies that slept all night at an amazingly young age. Either way, I kept my mouth shut, for a change. But I was laughing it up on the inside.
I learned after baby #1, to totally take advantage of the hospital nursery for my two night luxury stay in Cox South. Because that was the best sleep I was gonna get for a while.
After going home with my little bundle's of joy I was very fortunate to get 4 hours of sleep per night. I was always so jealous of my friends when they said their babies got up every two hours to nurse. What in the world was wrong with my children? I was just sure they were in some kind of excruciating pain, or the formula was NOT doing it's job, or at the very least, they were possessed! Something?!
Dakotah, my 5th and final baby was my best sleeper. She started sleeping all night at three weeks old. I think God looked down, saw the black circles under my eyes, and thought, bless her heart, she needs some sleep. And so, Dakotah slept all night until she was 4 months old. It was nice while it lasted.
Well, none of them are babies anymore. Whew! Got that stage whooped. So their reasons for waking me up all through the night have completely changed, but alas, they are still there.
I don't really remember the last time Daymond woke me up in the middle of the night. If he wakes me up, it's usually needful. But Devin...Oh Devin. He keeps my door knob hot running in and out of my room. Here's a few of the excuses/reasons that he's used just over the past month:

Devin: "It's really hot in our room."
Me: "Open your window."
Devin: "I already did."
Me: "Then put your fan in it."
Devin: "I did that too."
Me: "Then what would you like for me to do?"
Devin: "I don't know."
Me: "Go. To. BED!!!

Another night.

Devin: "Hey. Can we watch a movie on MegaShare."
Me: "No Devin. It's 11:30"
Devin: "But I can't sleep."
Me: "You have school in the morning."
Devin: "It doesn't matter if I'm laying in my room or downstairs, I'm still going to be awake. Can I pleeeaassee???"
Me: "NO DEVIN. Go. To. BED!!!"
You get the picture.
Then there's Dustin. He came in one night crying. He laid his head down on my belly and sobbed. After asking him 3 or 4 times what was wrong. He finally said, "I'm just sooo tired." I said, "If I was tired enough to cry, I'd go to bed." So, after crying a little longer, he did.
So new mommy's, don't think that just because your baby get's older, that you'll get to sleep at night. Oooohhhh noooo. My children's ages ares, 13, 12, 9, 7, and 4. And there is NEVER a night that I don't get woke up for something. The best one yet?
Dani, 7 came in my room crying hysterically one night. With Devin, 12 hot on her heels. Saying Dustin, 9 woke Dani up and told her the house was on fire! Little did I know, that Devin had "not" held a lighter by her face for awesome affect. Just ask him. He would never lie. I tried to go back to sleep. But it was time for the dog to wake me up. If one person says I'm "payin' for my raisin'" I'm going kick them in the throat.
I keep telling myself that one of these days these will be "precious memories." But right now, I just need a nap.

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