One of the chapters in my book is titled, "Mommy+Misophonia=Maniac." That's me!
Well, I was strolling The Doctors website the other day and one of the headlines said, "Do you or someone you love suffer from Misophonia?" Um...yeah! "Would you like to be on our show?" Um, heck yeah! So, I emailed them my story.
The next day I got an email back saying they would love to talk to me and asked when a good time would be to call. ANYTIME!!!!
Later that evening I got the phone call. She asked me all about my Misophonia (if you don't know what that is, look it up). We talked for about 30 minutes. That was on a Thursday, she asked if there was any way I could fly to L.A. the following Tuesday to be on their show Thursday? Are you kidding me!?!?! She said they would provide my plane ticket, my hotel, and money to eat on while I was there. They were also willing to pay Curtis for his time off if he came with me. WHAT?! So cool!
In the meantime I emailed my "insider" to the Dr. Phil show. It was a shot in the dark but I asked her if I ended up coming, was there any way I could get into a filming of Dr. Phil. I know it's short notice, but you don't know if you don't ask.
SHE SAID YES!!!!! I'm about to get to mark one more thing off of my Bucket List. Go to the Dr. Phil Show! Check.
That's where the fantasy ended. The lady from The Doctors apparently wasn't interested in my story. I don't know if I wasn't crazy enough for them or what. I mean, I'm pretty crazy! Knowing that I was that close to meeting Dr. Phil, then having it ripped away from me, breaks my heart. Sigh.......
Mark my words..."IT WILL HAPPEN." (insert evil laugh)